#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Brilianpreneur (Duplicated) ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_3C649C1D_7F80_9467_41D6_A1103C733B9A.html =
Borobudur adalah sebuah candi Buddha yang memiliki luas permukaan 2,500 meter persegi. Berlokasi di Jawa Tengah, candi ini dibangun pada abad ke 8 hingga 9 Masehi. Terdapat tiga tingkatan: dasar piramida dengan lima teras persegi, tiga platform melingkar dengan 72 stupa terbuka yang berisikan patung Budha, dan sebuah stupa besar pada bagian paling atas.

Pada 8 November 2021, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif meluncurkan "Borobudur Trail of Civilization", yakni pola perjalanan (travel pattern) wisata tematik. Program wisata ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan wisatawan untuk menikmati keindahan dan kemegahan Candi Borobudur sebagai warisan budaya dunia.
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Borobudur adalah sebuah candi Buddha yang memiliki luas permukaan 2,500 meter persegi. Berlokasi di Jawa Tengah, candi ini dibangun pada abad ke 8 hingga 9 Masehi. Terdapat tiga tingkatan: dasar piramida dengan lima teras persegi, tiga platform melingkar dengan 72 stupa terbuka yang berisikan patung Budha, dan sebuah stupa besar pada bagian paling atas.

Pada 8 November 2021, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif meluncurkan "Borobudur Trail of Civilization", yakni pola perjalanan (travel pattern) wisata tematik. Program wisata ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan wisatawan untuk menikmati keindahan dan kemegahan Candi Borobudur sebagai warisan budaya dunia.
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Borobudur is a Buddhist temple which has a surface area of 2,500 square meters. Located in Central Java, this temple was built in the 8th to 9th centuries AD. There are three statues: the base of the pyramid with five square terraces, three platforms with 72 open stupas containing Buddha, and the stupa at the very top.
On November 8, 2021, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency launched the "Borobudur Trail of Civilization", which is a thematic travel pattern. It is expected to be the choice of tourists to enjoy the beauty and splendour of Borobudur Temple as a world cultural heritage.

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Borobudur is a Buddhist temple which has a surface area of 2,500 square meters. Located in Central Java, this temple was built in the 8th to 9th centuries AD. There are three statues: the base of the pyramid with five square terraces, three platforms with 72 open stupas containing Buddha, and the stupa at the very top.
On November 8, 2021, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency launched the "Borobudur Trail of Civilization", which is a thematic travel pattern. It is expected to be the choice of tourists to enjoy the beauty and splendour of Borobudur Temple as a world cultural heritage.

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Danau Toba yang terbentuk dari letusan gunung berapi sekitar 75.000 tahun yang lalu ini terletak di Sumatera Utara. Sebagai salah satu dana terbesar dan terdalam di seluruh dunia, Danau Toba memiliki kekayaan budaya dan alam yang berharga untuk dinikmati. Sebuah desa di Danau Toba yang bernama Desa Tomok memiliki struktur perumahannya unik dan pertunjukan Wayang Sigale-gale. Selain itu, terdapat pula produk tekstil tradisional yang disebut Ulos yang menggunakan menggunakan benang katun sebagai bahan utama dan pewarna tanaman untuk menciptakan warna.
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Danau Toba yang terbentuk dari letusan gunung berapi sekitar 75.000 tahun yang lalu ini terletak di Sumatera Utara. Sebagai salah satu dana terbesar dan terdalam di seluruh dunia, Danau Toba memiliki kekayaan budaya dan alam yang berharga untuk dinikmati. Sebuah desa di Danau Toba yang bernama Desa Tomok memiliki struktur perumahannya unik dan pertunjukan Wayang Sigale-gale. Selain itu, terdapat pula produk tekstil tradisional yang disebut Ulos yang menggunakan menggunakan benang katun sebagai bahan utama dan pewarna tanaman untuk menciptakan warna.
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Lake Toba, which was formed from a volcanic eruption about 75,000 years ago, is located in North Sumatra. As one of the largest and deepest funds in the world, Lake Toba has a rich culture and nature that is worth enjoying. A village on Lake Toba called Desa Tomok has a unique housing structure and a performance called Sigale-gale puppet show. In addition, there is also a traditional textile product called Ulos which uses cotton thread as the main ingredient and plant dyes to create colour.
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Lake Toba, which was formed from a volcanic eruption about 75,000 years ago, is located in North Sumatra. As one of the largest and deepest funds in the world, Lake Toba has a rich culture and nature that is worth enjoying. A village on Lake Toba called Desa Tomok has a unique housing structure and a performance called Sigale-gale puppet show. In addition, there is also a traditional textile product called Ulos which uses cotton thread as the main ingredient and plant dyes to create colour.
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Tanjung Kelayang terletak di utara Pulau Belitung yang diapit oleh Selat Gaspar dan Karimata, di lepas pantai timur Sumatera. Lokasi dengan keindahan pantai yang menawan ini merupakan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) seluas 324,38 hektar. Salah satu kegiatan populer yang bisa dilakukan di sini adalah island-hopping. Terdapat tiga pulau destinasi: Pulau Lengkuas, Pulau Batu Berlayar, dan Pulau Kepayang.
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Tanjung Kelayang terletak di utara Pulau Belitung yang diapit oleh Selat Gaspar dan Karimata, di lepas pantai timur Sumatera. Lokasi dengan keindahan pantai yang menawan ini merupakan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) seluas 324,38 hektar. Salah satu kegiatan populer yang bisa dilakukan di sini adalah island-hopping. Terdapat tiga pulau destinasi: Pulau Lengkuas, Pulau Batu Berlayar, dan Pulau Kepayang.
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Tanjung Kelayang Belitung
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Tanjung Kelayang Belitung
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Tanjung Kelayang is located in the north of Belitung Island flanked by the Gaspar and Karimata Straits, off the east coast of Sumatra. This location whose a charming beach beauty is a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) covering an area of 324.38 hectares. One of the popular activities that can be done here is island-hopping. There are three destination islands: Lengkuas Island, Batu Berlayar Island, and Kepayang Island.
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Tanjung Kelayang is located in the north of Belitung Island flanked by the Gaspar and Karimata Straits, off the east coast of Sumatra. This location whose a charming beach beauty is a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) covering an area of 324.38 hectares. One of the popular activities that can be done here is island-hopping. There are three destination islands: Lengkuas Island, Batu Berlayar Island, and Kepayang Island.
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Berlokasi di tengah Pulau Bali, Ubud menghadirkan suasana damai yang memanjakan jiwa dan raga pengunjung. Nama Ubud sendiri berasal dari kata Bali, Ubad, yang berarti obat. Kata tersebut terinspirasi oleh banyaknya tanaman obat dan herbal yang tumbuh subur di wilayah ini. Salah satu destinasi ikonik di Ubud adalah sawah terasering Tegalalang dan Hutan Monyet Ubud. Terdapat sekitar 700 kera ekor panjang yang tinggal di hutan seluas 27 hektar tersebut yang memiliki 115 spesies pohon.
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Berlokasi di tengah Pulau Bali, Ubud menghadirkan suasana damai yang memanjakan jiwa dan raga pengunjung. Nama Ubud sendiri berasal dari kata Bali, Ubad, yang berarti obat. Kata tersebut terinspirasi oleh banyaknya tanaman obat dan herbal yang tumbuh subur di wilayah ini. Salah satu destinasi ikonik di Ubud adalah sawah terasering Tegalalang dan Hutan Monyet Ubud. Terdapat sekitar 700 kera ekor panjang yang tinggal di hutan seluas 27 hektar tersebut yang memiliki 115 spesies pohon.
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Located in the middle of Bali Island, Ubud presents a peaceful atmosphere that pampers the soul and body of visitors. The name Ubud itself comes from the Balinese word, Ubad, which means medicine. The word is inspired by the many medicinal plants and herbs that thrive in this region. One of the iconic destinations in Ubud is the Tegalalang rice terraces and the Ubud Monkey Forest. There are about 700 long-tailed macaques living in the 27-hectare forest which has 115 tree species
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Located in the middle of Bali Island, Ubud presents a peaceful atmosphere that pampers the soul and body of visitors. The name Ubud itself comes from the Balinese word, Ubad, which means medicine. The word is inspired by the many medicinal plants and herbs that thrive in this region. One of the iconic destinations in Ubud is the Tegalalang rice terraces and the Ubud Monkey Forest. There are about 700 long-tailed macaques living in the 27-hectare forest which has 115 tree species
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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Raja Ampat
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Raja Ampat
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Raja Ampat yang secara harfiah berarti ‘Empat Raja’ berada di di ujung barat laut Semenanjung Kepala Burung di Papua, pulau paling timur dari Kepulauan Indonesia. Kepulauan ini terdiri dari 1.500 pulau kecil, ngarai, dan beting yang mengelilingi empat pulau utama: Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, dan Misool. Raja Ampat menawarkan pengalaman terbaik bawah laut berkualitas dunia, didukung oleh luas daratan dan lautan sebesar 9,8 juta hektar, menjadikannya rumah bagi 540 jenis karang, lebih dari 1.000 jenis ikan karang, dan 700 jenis moluska.
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Raja Ampat yang secara harfiah berarti ‘Empat Raja’ berada di di ujung barat laut Semenanjung Kepala Burung di Papua, pulau paling timur dari Kepulauan Indonesia. Kepulauan ini terdiri dari 1.500 pulau kecil, ngarai, dan beting yang mengelilingi empat pulau utama: Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, dan Misool. Raja Ampat menawarkan pengalaman terbaik bawah laut berkualitas dunia, didukung oleh luas daratan dan lautan sebesar 9,8 juta hektar, menjadikannya rumah bagi 540 jenis karang, lebih dari 1.000 jenis ikan karang, dan 700 jenis moluska.
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Raja Ampat which literally means 'Four Kings' is located at the north western tip of the Bird's Head Peninsula in Papua, the easternmost island of the Indonesian Archipelago. The archipelago consists of 1,500 islets, canyons and stakes surrounding the four main islands: Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. Raja Ampat offers the world's best quality underwater experience, supported by an area of 9.8 million hectares of land and sea, home to 540 types of coral, more than 1,000 types of reef fish, and 700 types of molluscs.
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Raja Ampat which literally means 'Four Kings' is located at the north western tip of the Bird's Head Peninsula in Papua, the easternmost island of the Indonesian Archipelago. The archipelago consists of 1,500 islets, canyons and stakes surrounding the four main islands: Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. Raja Ampat offers the world's best quality underwater experience, supported by an area of 9.8 million hectares of land and sea, home to 540 types of coral, more than 1,000 types of reef fish, and 700 types of molluscs.
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Fashion Pavilion
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Fashion Pavilion
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Food & Beverage Pavilion
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Food & Beverage Pavilion
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Home Decor & Craft Pavilion
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Home Decor & Craft Pavilion
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Lounge & Main Stage
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Lounge & Main Stage
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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Accessories & Beauty Pavilion
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A001_DRAFT1.DOOR panorama_C22CEF7F_9A9F_F10E_4170_68E6FD157686.label = A002_DRAFT1 panorama_C2B13908_9A9E_7EF2_41C6_102FFB65EAC5.label = A003_DRAFT1 panorama_C3DBDE7B_9CB6_672C_41DE_5DCBC6AA7D6A.label = D.B.02 0000 panorama_C52F7061_9A92_4F32_41D9_23CB7B873653.label = A009_DRAFT1 panorama_C664572B_9A92_D136_41DF_95CD0FD0147F.label = A008_DRAFT1 panorama_C87EBC07_9AAE_56FE_41DC_074C8EFFD9EB.label = E001_DRAFT1 panorama_C915DA34_9A92_3312_41E1_A77518B866BC.label = E003_DRAFT1 panorama_C925CB36_9AAE_311E_41C7_048F90CDE6E7.label = C.C.010000 panorama_C9F49B0E_9AAE_310E_41D5_48A204513A78.label = E002_DRAFT1.DOOR panorama_CA935E24_9A92_3332_41D6_91524CEA44D8.label = E004_DRAFT1 panorama_CB1F53D2_9AB2_3117_4198_ED5387D012D8.label = C.D.020000 panorama_CB317A15_9A93_D312_41C9_81738F88EB43.label = E006_DRAFT1 panorama_CBDF0D9A_9A92_5116_41DA_881F6C1FC56B.label = E005_DRAFT1 panorama_D00E9069_9A96_4F32_41E0_977BB1E2B65B.label = E016_DRAFT1 panorama_D0FD8EA7_9A96_D33E_41B3_1D86063B8D72.label = E015_DRAFT1 panorama_D127F6E4_9A6E_5332_41C5_36E205A81336.label = G.A.030000 panorama_D1784AD0_9AB5_D312_41D0_ABD80EA9E6EC.label = D.A.05 0000 panorama_D1903C48_9A97_F773_41D3_19C0F3BB029C.label = E017_DRAFT1 panorama_D1E2F015_9A6F_CF12_41D7_EFD4475B9ED2.label = G.A.020000 panorama_D2140122_9A6E_5136_41C0_F8FB60F61E7E.label = G.B.010000 panorama_D25B8D51_9A96_D112_41D9_CE30A06B3A22.label = E020_DRAFT1 panorama_D260F922_9AB2_5136_41DB_3FC605495ECD.label = D.A.06 0000 panorama_D27A7F14_9A96_5112_41C4_E1241CE59578.label = E021_DRAFT1.DOOR panorama_D2C702CD_9A96_5372_41DF_20092B193FEA.label = E019_DRAFT1 panorama_D2DABDB9_9A6E_F112_41CC_5E9294F3F587.label = G.A.040000 panorama_D3369D34_9A6D_D112_41DF_4F861D16AABE.label = G.B.020000 panorama_D33C304F_9AB3_CF0E_41DF_2740C050510C.label = D.A.020000 panorama_D40D72FC_9A92_F312_41DB_B645C4E6F35C.label = E009_DRAFT1 panorama_D4684A29_9A92_7332_41D8_3940764C16C8.label = E008_DRAFT1 panorama_D4BA9D64_9AB3_D132_41C3_D47E0127CBF3.label = C.DOOR.010000 panorama_D5691B79_9AB2_D112_41E0_C0BB0C7A9B74.label = C.E.010000 panorama_D63AE551_9A96_3112_41B8_C8F4C011B4E5.label = E011_DRAFT1 panorama_D6579402_9AB5_D6F6_41C3_5CB7D144B49C.label = C.E.020000 panorama_D6E9C7D6_9A92_311E_41D4_CA6A2B2546B4.label = E010_DRAFT1 panorama_D711107F_9A6E_4F0E_41C0_DD510986648F.label = G.A.010000 panorama_D711887A_9AB7_DF16_41D4_52D08DA47741.label = C.F.020000 panorama_D798E845_9AB6_FF72_41E1_94AD69B0EE82.label = C.F.010000 panorama_D7992100_9A96_4EF2_41D9_6F82C3872EE4.label = E014_DRAFT1.DOOR panorama_D866FC13_9ABE_D716_41DF_047C45F2845F.label = D.D.020000 panorama_D8AEB951_9A72_5112_41E2_5ADC435573A9.label = G.DOOR.020000 panorama_D8C19B31_9ABE_5112_41A4_6068291B1E8F.label = D.D.03 0000 panorama_D8DDCAE6_9A9E_333E_41D7_969524EA55F6.label = F016_DRAFT1 panorama_D9097B9F_9AB2_710E_41C8_065BDD386126.label = D.DOOR.03 0000 panorama_D9237186_9AB2_31FE_41D7_83FB5EAE6A48.label = D.MID.010000 panorama_D92EA84D_9A9E_5F72_41DC_B67BC35B2836.label = 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